
.. 'unconditional’ really doesn’t change the fact that.. well, eventually a best friend might just have to tune out on the existential stuff..
Jolly speak.
“You can’t have wine.”
Jolly beg.
“ Jolly doesn’t like wine. “
Jolly speak.
“Well maybe you do. But it’s for me.”
Jolly beg.
“ ‘Cause I’m the one waiting.”
Jolly sit.
“And when you’re waiting- all alone- you can drink all you want.”
Jolly sit.
“ Ok?”
Jolly speak.
“-..wanna get drunk with me?”
Jolly speak.
“-..naw. Better not. Someone’s gotta stay sober, ‘case the shit shows up. Someone’s gotta bite him.”
Jolly sit.
Jolly stand.
Jolly beg.
Jolly speak.
“Stop it.”
Jolly sit.
Jolly beg.
Jolly sit.
Jolly walk.
Jolly speak.
“No. -You know where your bowl is.”
Jolly sit.
“I made all his favorites too.
Jolly speak.
Jolly speak.
“-..why’d I make all his favorites?”
Jolly sit.
“ It was foolish, wasn’t it?”
Jolly sit.
“-He’s a shit.”
Jolly speak.
“He deserves shit.”
Jolly speak.
Jolly sit.
“ ..and I almost married the shit...
Jolly speak.
“-yes, well. I was gonna ask him at least. Tonight. Just before I told him.. -no. Maybe just after. -No. Before.”
“Ok. After I told him I was pregnant. You think he’d say yes?”
Jolly beg.
Jolly sit.
“..Then why is he late?”
Jolly speak.
“That’s right! Because he’s a shit! -Good dog. Jolly good dog.”
Jolly good dog.
Jolly speak.
“Who’s my real man? Who’s my big man?”
Jolly speak.
Jolly good dog.
Jolly beg.
Jolly kiss.
Jolly speak.
Jolly kiss.
“Good boy. You’d marry me, wouldn’t you?”
Jolly kiss.
“Yes. You would! -You like steak, don’t you!”
Jolly speak.
“Yes I know it was for the shit’s dinner.. But the shit’s not here. And my jolly Jolly’s hungry, aren’t you?”
Jolly speak.
“Just a little..-hmmm?”
Jolly beg.
Jolly jump-
“No. Sit.”
Jolly sit.
“Why can’t the shit be as good as my Jollyums -humn? Aren’t you good? Aren’t you my good Jollyums?”
Jolly beg.
Jolly speak.
Jolly speak.
Jolly speak-
“Good boy.”