MinterTom  Apr.22.2010 0 Comments

..I’ve always loved mythology, fables, and the tales of the Brother’s Grimm.

When I first started writing, my effort came out as pieces of fiction, and I wound up writing something for my cousin’s kids, who were 8, 10 and 11 at the time. It is a modern Grimm fairy tale called A candle in the quarry. It is about a little boy who finds out that he has the power to do magic, and then is taken on an incredible journey by his grandmother, a woman he always disliked –until he found out that she was a real witch, and had much to teach him.

…while in London, a neighbor and friend of mine, Francesca Phillips, having read the story to her daughter, Daisy, and feeling it could make a good indie film, asked if she could direct a teaser, and see if she could scare up some backing to then film the whole thing.

It was a great chance for the piece, and also for me to dabble in screenwriting. We reached out to various friends, finding a location, and included the family of the house we overran in the opening dinner sequence.

It was a lot of fun creating, and still sends a bit of a chill…

..there are other things which, for me, touch the spine and heart, sending chills as well.. The beauty of creating, whether it is through music, singing, writing, painting, film or some other medium, is a gift of communication.. And should be shared..